2020 Novel Tall Fescue Renovation Workshop
Sign up now for the 2020 Novel Tall Fescue Renovation Workshop hosted by Virginia Tech and the Alliance for Grassland Renewal.
Remember when Dr. Dan Undersander reminded us of the danger of being penny wise and pound foolish at the 2020 VFGC winter conferences?
Specifically, Dr. Undersander mentioned how novel endophyte tall fescue can often increase cow conception rates and increase weaning weights by 50 lb per calf, and yet concern over the cost and uncertainty of conversion keeps so many from utilizing this proven technology.
This workshop on March 10 at the Middleburg Agricultural Research and Extension Center will provide you with the skills you need to take advantage of novel tall fescue.
Scientists and farmers from across the fescue belt will lead you through the step-by-step process of renovating a field to novel endophyte tall fescue and how to manage these valuable forages for long-term persistence.
In addition, you’ll see a breakdown of all the costs and advantages of switching to this novel forage to help you better understand when conversion makes good financial sense.
If you are interested in this educational opportunity, check out the attached flyer for more information or contact Gabriel Pent (gpent@vt.edu) with any questions.
You can register for this event at: TallFescueVA2020.eventbrite.com.
Early registration ($65) ends on March 2, and includes lunch, refreshments, and proceedings.
In addition to the March 10 workshop in Middleburg, the Alliance is offering workshops in Mt. Ulla, NC (March 12), Watkinsville, GA (March 16), Spring Hill, TN (March 18), Lexington, KY (March 19), Harrison, AR (March 24), and Mt. Vernon, MO (March 25).
Visit the Alliance for Grassland Renewal website for more information: grasslandrenewal.org/education.htm
Click for Flyer 2020 Novel Tall Fescue Virginia Flyer