VFGC Needs Good Photos of Your Grazing System
The VFGC would like to feature more good photos from different farms around the state in the annual grazing calendar. To encourage you to send in your best photos, we have decided to have a contest.
Who is eligible: Anyone can submit a photo, but to win one of the prizes you have to be a dues paying member of VFGC. (Current Board members are not eligible for prizes)
What: Electronically send good pictures to be considered for use in the annual grazing planner. VFGC is looking for Virginia farm photographs that show, rotational grazing, grazing of alternative forages, extending the grazing season and benefits of grazing for wildlife, pollinators or water quality. We are looking for close-up photos of livestock grazing that show forages as well as other livestock. We also need pastoral landscape scenes that may be considered for the cover.
When: Submit photos anytime up until September 30, 2020, for the photos to be used for calendar development and the winner will be selected by the December board meeting. We encourage you to send in one or two of your best photos each month so we have photos representing each month of the year.
How: Submit all photos by email to Alston Horn at ahorn@cbf.org with “Photo Contest” in the subject line. For all photos submitted provide your name, farm name, locality and an active phone number. By submitting photos, you authorize them to be used as VFGC property in the annual Graziers’ Planner or by VFGC on the website and for any and all promotional purposes.
1st Place: One free registration to the VFGC grazing or fencing school of your choice
2nd Place: One free registration to the next VFGC Winter Conference plus one resource book of your choice off the book sales table.
3rd Place: One-free registration to the next VFGC Winter Conference.
We look forward to your grazing photos!